Feralpisalò does not lose hope. Good draw against difficult Brescia

La Feralpisalò non perde la speranza. Buon pari contro l

Video It was played yesterday, Wednesday 1st May, the 36th and third to last day of the Serie B championship, with Feralpisalò trying to keep alive their hopes of at least reaching the playouts: the 2-2 draw with Brescia was positive in this sense, fighting to mathematically reach the playoffs. The guest team opens the … Read more

Impallomeni: “Conte, Napoli captivating. Milan, change for a change…”

Impallomeni: "Conte, Napoli accattivante. Milan, cambiare tanto per cambiare..."

TMW Radio Talking about the topics of the day a TMW Radioduring Maracanawas Stefano Impallomenijournalist and former footballer. There’s a lot of talk about Conte, today Chelsea is knocking again:“He could revive a team that is doing badly. They have invested a lot but the results have not been seen. I don’t know how much … Read more