Champions League race, calendars compared: the toughest is Roma’s

TOP NEWS ore 24 - Le parole di De Rossi e Cannavaro, poker di Guardiola a De Zerbi

Once the championship has been awarded, many verdicts remain that the championship A league has yet to be decreed. We start from the exciting race to the European competitions, especially the Champions Leaguewhich will feature at least five teams in Serie A next year. The Champions race. In the following sections, we have tried to … Read more

Milan, Maldini replies to Scaroni. Emergency defense against Juventus

Milan, Maldini replica a Scaroni. Difesa in emergenza contro la Juventus

“I always think that when someone looks at their past with a certain degree of acrimony it means that they are not living the present very well. I hope that this is not the case with Maldini.” The words of Paolo Scaronipresident of Milan, they could not go unnoticed. And in fact they didn’t. Through … Read more

Non-stop market – Rumors, negotiations and background on April 25th

Mercato no stop - Indiscrezioni, trattative e retroscena del 25 aprile

The summary of all the transfer market news of the day that has just been archived. Between rumors, negotiations and behind the scenes, here is the most important news. ACERBI TOWARDS STAYING AT INTER, ALLEGRI-JUVE: ITALIAN DIVORCE. TOTO PANCHINA LEAVES FROM FLORENCE AND TURIN, BURDISSO TOWARDS ROME Francesco Acerbi will wear the Inter shirt again … Read more

Cristante makes Roma celebrate in Udine. De Rossi attacks the FIGC for playing

Cristante fa esultare la Roma a Udine. De Rossi all

Roma succeeded in the difficult feat of scoring a goal against Udinese in the 18 minutes plus added time of the match that remained to be played after the illness suffered by his defender Ndicka, and brings home three very important points from the away match in Udine in two acts. Great protagonist Bryan Cristantewho … Read more