Musah will be adapted into the right-back role. Milan’s choice against Juve

Musah verrà adattato nel ruolo di terzino destro. La scelta del Milan contro la Juve

“Milan are alarmed. Defense flops.” That’s the headline this morning Tuttosport which explains that tomorrow the Devil will take the field in Turin against Juventus with several absences in defense. The injured Kjaer and Kalulu and the suspended Theo Hernandez, Tomori and Calabria will not be there. The AC Milan rearguard will therefore have to … Read more

Ratio of earnings/points won: Corvino’s Lecce comes first. Then Bologna

Rapporto monte-ingaggi/punti conquistati: primo il Lecce di Corvino. Poi il Bologna

The newspaper ‘Il Secolo XIX’ on newsstands today has drawn up a special ranking relating to the relationship between the squad’s wages and the points collected so far in the championship. This figure is obtained by dividing the total gross salary by the number of points won to date. In this special tournament of the … Read more

Bad news for Chelsea: Enzo Fernandez underwent groin surgery, season over

Brutta notizia per il Chelsea: Enzo Fernandez operato all

Very bad news for the Chelsea: Enzo Fernandez he finished the season. As explained by the Blues on their official website, the Argentine midfielder underwent successful groin surgery yesterday and will now begin a rehabilitation period, which will only see him return in 2024-2025. The former Benfica player will work at Cobham. Chelsea Football Club … Read more