If Nicola coaches a Tuscan team against Atalanta it ends…

Se Nicola allena una squadra toscana contro l’Atalanta finisce…

Under favorite opponent it is likely that Gian Piero Gasperini wrote the name of Davide Nicola. Because the two coaches have been opponents 8 times in Serie A (the last one was the 8-2 in Atalanta-Salernitana last year) and the current Nerazzurri can count on 5 successes and 3 X signs.In short, zero defeats.Always positive … Read more

Monza, Palladino’s press conference soon

Monza, a breve la conferenza stampa di Palladino

The Monza after losing at home againstAtalanta in the last round of the championship they aim to reverse the trend in the away game in Lecce. The opponent, especially at this historic moment of the season, is not the easiest: Gotti’s team is in fact going through a good moment, both in terms of results … Read more