Brevi: “Abate’s Ternana is showing clear ideas and mentality”

Brevi: "La Ternana di Abate sta mostrando idee chiare e mentalità"

Ezio Brevi, coach and former footballer, spoke to the microphones of TMW Radio during transmission To All C: What are your thoughts on this start of the championship?“In fact this start of the championship the only ones that are respecting the predictions are Pescara and Ternana. In the other groups, however, there is a situation … Read more

…with Claudio Pasqualin –

…con Claudio Pasqualin

“I saw a practical, intelligent and effective Inter”. Thus to the lawyer Claudio Pasqualin, market operator, president of AvvocatiCalcio and honorary president of Conference403. It was a dominant Inter from the start.“We also saw the quality of the so-called bench. Lautaro was the protagonist of a nice gesture by giving up the penalty to … Read more