Lodo Ronaldo, there is no news after the defeat of Juventus. Ferrero’s words


There is no news for the Cristiano Ronaldo award. Because after the “obvious” grip – as anticipated by TMW on April 30th – and made official by the folds of the Juventus budget, the time is not yet ripe to reach a sentence.

The case
Cristiano Ronaldo had sued Juventus to receive 19.6 million euros – plus interest – for some emoluments that would not have been paid during his experience with Juventus. The club was quite convinced that it would not have to pay anything and even the player’s entourage seemed decidedly pessimistic about the success of the appeal. So much so that Juve had not set aside anything for the arbitration and, with great surprise, found themselves having to pay 9.8 million because they were “contributable to negligence”.

The consequences
The first arbitration set a maximum figure, recognizing that Cristiano Ronaldo should not receive the 19.6 million. Juventus, on the other hand, has no intention of paying anything, in fact hoping that the Court of Turin, Labor section, will agree with the company across the board. We’ll see.

These are the words of Gianluca Ferrero on the sidelines of the Shareholders’ Meeting for the approval of the Juventus budget. “We do not agree with the Ronaldo award, which had decided 50/50, so we challenged it before the Turin court. We do not share the merit of this arbitration”