Inter, few chances for Calhanoglu against Juventus. Ready Asllani in the direction

The menu at Pinetina yesterday included therapies for Calhanoglu and Acerbi and personalized work for Asllani and Buchanan. From a Juventus perspective – he underlines Tuttosport analyzing Inter’s situation after the Champions League match – Acerbi (who will probably return with Venezia, also skipping Empoli) and Buchanan who, even in the event of a call-up, would be destined to occupy a place on the bench, should be discarded.

Instead, everything revolves around the director. The fact that Inzaghi has also widened the field to include Zielinski is the result of the need to find alternative plans given that the matches follow each other non-stop but in his years at Inter the coach has never put players out of role or adapted in the presence of who was hired for that role.

For this reason, if Calhanoglu does not recover in view of Juve – the hopes are few but, given the importance of the match, a very small space must be left open – it would be Asllani’s turn to play in the directing role. In fact, the Albanian is ready to return to the group and respond to the call presently.