“All the same for whom? For you?” Motta’s curtain call: “Kalulu? Juve can do without him”

All players are equal, but isn’t Kalulu a little more equal than the others at the moment? Is it difficult to give it up? These are two of the questions asked at the press conference Thiago Mottacoach of Juventus that on the eve of the match against him Stuttgart – match valid for the third day of the ‘Championship Phase’ of the Champions League – he replied like this: “Everyone is the same for whom? For you? The fact that I consider them all starters does not mean that they are all the same. They are different guys, who go treated differently and play differently, but then I expect the same things from them. But they are absolutely not the same.”

But can you play without him too?
“Yes, definitely yes.”

What match will Juventus have to play against Stuttgart tomorrow?
“A complete match. Stuttgart is a team that presses very well. often with a winger who builds a line of 5 players. A team that I like. It will be a good match to play, also to compete over who will want the most possession of the game They play very well collectively. They manage to bring a lot of men, especially the full-backs, into attack and this can cause us problems defensively. They always know what to do on the pitch.”

CLICK HERE for the full press conference of Thiago Motta.