Modena, Bisoli: “A group that I wouldn’t change for anything in the world. Respect for Palermo”

Between yesterday and today we are starting to recover at least four more playersthe playing time is to be evaluated, but at least I will arrive at tomorrow’s match with 18 players available.” The Modena coach Pierpaolo Bisoli Thus he made his debut in a press conference on the eve of the match against Palermo tomorrow.

“Between yesterday and today we began to recover at least another 4 players. The boys gave me excellent answers even in a great emergency situation, not only in terms of performance. – continues the Gialloblù coach as reported on the Emilian club’s website – The climate that we live in the camp every day it’s beautiful, I have a group that I wouldn’t change for the world and for this reason I am sure that by continuing on this path we will gain great satisfaction.”

Bisoli then focuses on the mini cycle that awaits all the Serie B teams starting from the match against the Rosanero: “4 matches await us in the space of 15 days but we only have to think about Palermo, Serie B doesn’t allow you to think for long term. Palermo set out to win the championship, they signed important players, including foreigners who come from higher categories. We know the value of the opponent, we respect him, but I also know the value of my Modena, I’m calm about this.”