Genoa, Blazquez: “Total trust in Gilardino. Balotelli? Purely technical decision”

Not an easy moment for Genoa. The rossoblù team comes from three consecutive defeats in the league against Venezia, Juventus and Atalanta and is now looking for redemption at home against Bologna. A completely new situation for Alberto Gilardino who finds himself having to manage the first period of difficulty since he sat on the Grifone bench but also many injuries, the latest being that of goalkeeper Gollini. The team group has come together and will try to get out of the tunnel of negative results.

However, there is trust in the coach. President Alberto Zangrillo reiterated this yesterday to the Gazzetta dello Sport and reiterates it too Andres Blazquez to the notebooks of The 19th Century: “There is total trust in Gilardino – underlined the rossoblù CEO -. I am sure that he has the strength within himself to give the team a jolt, overcoming this very difficult moment”.

The discussion then moved on to the free agent market, in particular to Mario Balotelli, recently linked to Genoa but then stopped in recent days: “As Marco Ottolini and Marco Rossi explained – underlined Blazquez – it was a decision taken by technical area and has purely technical motivations”.