DS Giugliano: “We are doing something important. Benevento favourites”

Domenico Fracchiolladirector of the Giuglianomade some statements to the microphones of South antenna during the broadcast ‘Il Salotto del Calcio’: “A few matches have passed, but we are doing something important at this stage. The same also applies to Monopoli who made the play-outs last year. I believe it is still a group , the C one, where balance reigns without a well-defined ranking. I believe that in the end the big Benevento, Trapani, Avellino and Catania, together with the Audace Cerignola, are an important team for me and courageous because he plays with many young players who are the result of the investments made in the years spent between Serie A and B. Last year Cesena followed the same path and we saw where they got to.”

On the playing time in Serie C, the manager then explained: “I believe that good young players should play and not those who bring playing time to the budget. Even better if they are a direct asset of the Serie C clubs.”

Fracchiolla then talks about the sale of Francesco Salvemini in the summer at Cerignola”The one who moved with the most insistence and strength was Cerignola who asked us for it since June. We wanted to keep him but since his contract expired we decided to collect the best amount possible”.

Finally, a thought on the importance of Valerio Bertotto on the bench: “In addition to the Mazzamauro family, one of the reasons for the beginning of my adventure in Giugliano was the reconfirmation of Bertotto. We met in May and understood that we had the same ideas about football.”

On the penalties arriving in Serie C, the manager explains: “I would like to say many things but I have to limit myself. I believe that the problem comes from registrations and the new methods. I believe that sustainable clubs, which are healthy on the balance sheet, must move forward and instead many dancing companies signed up.”