Barella: “Last year we experienced difficult moments. Before the goal in Napoli, football was just work”

Nicolò Barellamidfielder ofIntergave a long interview to the channel YouTube Of Matteo Cacciatalking about a period in which he felt alone as a footballer: “It happened in the year of the Scudetto, when everyone criticized me at the beginning of the season saying that I wasn’t the usual Barella. There was a period in which I didn’t perform for personal matters. It was a time when I didn’t have a great passion for football, it was really just work. I never spoke to people like that because I have a wife with whom I can talk about everything. I also spoke to teammates and friends. who did an important thing by telling me to overcome that moment, that I was strong. Then the goal against Napoli came and from there I started to do better again. I didn’t feel alone, but I felt like I wasn’t helping my teammates enough I felt useless, but I wasn’t giving what I could give. My teammates felt good about me. Now I know what to do if it happens to someone else.”

Does the passion wane?
“Yes. It’s not that the passion for football goes away, but maybe it becomes difficult to go to training camp, do training, go racing. If it happens to you at 26 like it happened to me, it’s a problem. I was a bit scared from this fact, also because it is very difficult to talk about it, it often happens, to many people and at all levels.

Click here to read the entire interview with Nicolò Barella