Taranto, decisive hours for the transition to Apex. Waiting for the possible penalty

Through the columns of La Gazzetta dello Sport updates are arriving regarding the transfer of Taranto to the American Apex fund, of which a representative arrived in the Apulian city yesterday to define the operation. According to rosy there are some decisive aspects to be resolved for the completion of the change of hands, despite the fact that the bank transfer already arrived yesterday to cover the economic part of the operation.

Once resolved, the idea of ​​the new ownership seems to be to announce the sale with a conference at Palazzo di Città as some elements of the municipal administration would have played a fundamental role.

At the same time as the transfer, by yesterday the Ionian association was required to pay all the emoluments as well as the IRPEF withholdings, the Enpals contributions and the End of Career Fund due, until the end of the first two-month period 1 July/31 August 2024. If it were not If the deadline had been respected, it would be impossible for Taranto to avoid -2 in the standings.

Awaiting the TFN’s ruling on November 5th on failure to comply with the August 1st deadline.