From Juve’s 52 million to Nico Paz, all on loans with right of redemption in Serie A

On the day just ended, accompanied you to discover all Serie A players on loan with option to buywhether it is a right or an obligation, trying to understand the peculiarities of the various situations and the possibility of continuing or not in their current team by the various protagonists involved.

Atalanta and redemptions: Zaniolo bet, 70 million estimate for the Goddess – Read the news: CLICK HERE!

Bologna, around twenty million euros for two ransoms. One starts with Europe – Read the news: CLICK HERE!

Cagliari, 12 million are needed for Piccoli. Gaetano on loan with conditional obligation – Read the news: CLICK HERE!

Nico Paz is (more or less) all Como. Two redemptions in the bridge, Samp in A brings 4.5 million – Read the news: CLICK HERE!

Empoli have 36 million euros in signings in their squad. From Milan the most and least expensive – Read the news: CLICK HERE!

Fiorentina, there are over 60 million redemptions pending. Repayable with outgoing ones – Read the news: CLICK HERE!

Genoa, Pinamonti needs more goals for redemption. 17 million arriving from Fiorentina – Read the news: CLICK HERE!

Tengstedt convinces: it will cost Hellas 7 million. A soccer team to be redeemed – Read the news: CLICK HERE!

Inter, does Carboni’s redemption fade away in Marseille? Possible treasure from others – Read the news: CLICK HERE!

Juventus and redemptions: spending up to 52 million, plus Conceicao. 32 can enter – Read the news: CLICK HERE!

Lazio, all loans with conditional redemption obligation. For over 40 million euros – Read the news: CLICK HERE!

Lecce, Pelmard question mark worth 3 million. Maleh can bring one more – Read the news: CLICK HERE!

Milan has zero redemptions to exercise. And it could gross over 40 million – Read the news: CLICK HERE!

Gregorio and Colpani make Monza rich. Pizzignacco towards confirmation – Read the news: CLICK HERE!

Napoli, no loan for Conte. From the ransoms, 55 million can arrive in cash – Read the news: CLICK HERE!

Cancellieri will have to convince Parma: 8 million to Lazio for the redemption – Read the news: CLICK HERE!

Roma already know they have to spend 20 million in June. You can collect half of it – Read the news: CLICK HERE!

Turin, the redemption runs on the wing: Pedersen remains, Sosa to be evaluated. Sazonov returns – Read the news: CLICK HERE!

Udinese, 40 million coming from Samardzic and Perez. What will Lausanne do with Pafundi? – Read the news: CLICK HERE!

Venice, the redemptions are an Italian derby: Nicolussi Caviglia remains regardless – Read the news: CLICK HERE!