Latina, tile in midfield: rupture of the cruciate for Scravaglieri. Out until the end of the season

Bad news from the infirmary at the Latina house. In fact, the club loses the young midfielder Maurizio Scraviglieriborn in 2005 who had made six appearances with one goal so far, for the rest of the season due to the rupture of the anterior cruciate. Center forward Mastroianni is out for 20 days. This is the statement from the Lazio club:

Following the clinical and instrumental investigations carried out in the last few hours, we communicate the following:

Maurizio Scravaglieri: a rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) of the left knee was found. Unfortunately, the season for the footballer is over. Our medical staff, under the supervision of Dr. Martini, is planning the surgery to ensure the best possible recovery.
Ferdinando Mastroianni: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tests carried out yesterday showed a first-degree lesion to the external twin of the left leg. Estimated recovery times are approximately three weeks.

Further updates will be provided based on the evolution of the clinical picture.