Dg Entella: “The ranking and the attitude of the team are injections of confidence”

TMW Radio

During today’s live broadcast of To All Cregistered transmission TMW Radio and dedicated to the world of Serie C, intervened the General Director of Entella Matteo Matteazziwho spoke about the moment of the club, third in the standings on equal points with Ternana and just three from the top: “The defeat against Pescara weighs a bit, even if the team’s reaction to that defeat, seen in the last two matches , is a positive fact, because after a good start also due to a sense of revenge from last season, the attitude of the boys gives us hope for the rest of the championship. And it wasn’t easy, at that moment we and Pescara were tied in the standings, and an internal defeat could also have important psychological repercussions: instead the group proved to be strong and determined”:

The next opponent, after just three days, wasn’t even easy: you played at the ‘Mazza’ against SPAL. Then, a revitalized Legnago.
“They were two difficult matches, especially the first three days after the defeat against Pescara: it could have been difficult to prepare, but the team reacted very well, and after a balanced first half, and above all after our first goal, we legitimized the victory, clean and away.

But did you expect this ranking, precisely considering what the past year was?
“The ranking is going a little beyond our expectations. As we said, we were starting again from the disappointment of last year, from the need to play the last match to avoid the playouts, so the conditions were not such as to suggest a start like this. But I think we all deserved the points.”

Speaking of the team, a squad appears perhaps with less high-sounding names than other clubs but the most complete and functional of the 20 in Group B.
“Congratulations must be given to Sports Director Superbi and to the Head of the Technical Area Daniele Rosso who did a great job of scouting, because a great job was done to arrive at certain profiles, with names that were not high-sounding but effective. I am thinking of Guiu, Castelli , Casarotto, Franzoni: they are very functional to the Entella project, we wanted those who still had to consolidate their growth path, but also that Chiavari was a positive path for them. From the point of view of motivation they are making the difference”.

Bernat Guiu deserves more attention. He had already shown top quality at Pergolettese: could Entella be a further step?
“Guiu’s operation has been a perfect one so far, those characteristics that he is showing in recent years were appreciated but were perhaps not clear to the experts: the skill of our technical area was to understand the margins for improvement that he would have “.

Is talking about goals early? Due to historical past, it is easy to include Entella among the contenders for B, moreover 10 years after the first historic promotion.
“The last ten years have actually placed Entella either in Serie B or at the top of Serie C, so it’s easy to associate them with a certain ranking. Of course, you then come up against reality, so you have to get into the mentality of category: we cannot make flights of fancy or complicated reasoning, but only look at our path trying to improve from race to race to ensure that the renewed group finds continuity in the ranking, it is in any case thanks to the same, and a nice injection of confidence “.

Speaking of the first promotion: Gabriele Costa was the protagonist of the season ticket campaign at the time, he made his debut with you on Sunday.
“It’s a beautiful story, 10 years ago Gabry was a child, and he’s not the only one who grew up along the Entella route: we have a lot of teenagers who, witnessing this route, have become fond of our reality, despite many in the city support Sampdoria or Genoa. Costa’s story is emblematic but also characteristic of a generation of kids from Chiavari and Tigullio who grew up with us.”

Both Sampdoria and Genoa have experienced less than positive club moments, while you, on the other hand, have always been solid and with top structures and youth sector.
“We are fortunate to have great ownership that has made us work continuously for many years, a fundamental aspect for enhancing the youth, this is a great advantage for us. Even playing in the Lega Pro we have managed to produce interesting players, in Serie B which is easier do it but also in Serie C we manage to get players to make their debut and make them succeed: the clearest case is that of Stefano Di Mario.”