The most valuable teams in the world? Nobody like Real Madrid, Inter 13th

The Ciesthe Swiss football observatory, is dedicated to the values ​​of club squads. In fact, they are listed in the latest weekly update the 100 clubs in the world whose aggregate value of contracted players is highest. Players on loan to other teams are included and the market value is calculated based on a statistical model developed exclusively by the CIES Football Observatory, using a methodology explained in a peer-reviewed article recently published in the International Journal of Financial Studies.

Nobody like Real Madrid. As expected, the Spanish team is top of the table, with the highest aggregate transfer value ever recorded for a football club: 1,728 billion euros. Followed by Manchester Citywith a player park owned by 1,471 billion euros. In third place is the Chelsea: 1,388 billion euros.

Italians out of the top ten. The “richest” is theInterthirteenth with a roster whose value is estimated at 800 million euros. Following in fourteenth place is Milanwhose squad is estimated to be worth 762 million euros. Seventeenth la Juventus (697) and twentieth il Naples with 598 million. It should be noted that in the top ten, six are Premier League teams: in addition to City and Arsenal already mentioned, there are Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchester United and Tottenham, plus Brighton & Hove in eleventh.