Belgium, German: “Happy that Lukaku chose Napoli. Mbangula? Happy with his evolution”

In an interview granted to Corriere dello Sportthe coach of Belgium Domenico Tedesco he spoke thus of his team’s great championships, starting with Lukaku: “Romelu is absolutely a top player. In addition to being a fantastic person and a natural leader. He is a player that all coaches would like and is excellent for any team. I am very happy that he has chosen Napoli, where he can feel at home, with a coach like Antonio Conte who believes in him and vice versa. These are already excellent starting conditions.”

What is Charles De Ketelaere’s rating with Atalanta?
“He is a great player, there is no doubt about it, who is improving superbly and occupies an important role at the Nerazzurri. He is playing at a very high level for a long period and is constantly improving. He is impressing me a lot.”

Parma have just signed Mandela Keita, sent off in a few minutes on his debut against Udinese…
“He is one of the great talents I mentioned before, because he won the double as a starter with Antwerp, despite being a very young player. He has already been with us in the national team and we follow him very carefully.”

The new name could be that of Mbangula from Juventus. Did you know him before his debut in Serie A?
“Yes, we have followed his evolution for a period of time. He has already played some matches with our national youth team in the past, most recently with the Under 21s. We are very happy that he is able to carve out a space for himself with Juventus, he is a talent huge and an example of the excellent way of working of the youth teams in Belgium.”