Inter, the Curva Nord breaks the silence with a statement: “No more ticket service”

There North Curve breaks the silence. The organized support of Inter, through a statement that appeared on Instagram, explained what has happened in the last few days and how it intends to move on. First of all, the press release is signed ‘Second green ring’ and no longer ‘Curva Nord’: “It was our intention to wait some more time to make known the guidelines of the new course that has been decided to undertake at the Second Green Ring. The continuous rumors appearing in the newspapers and the messages leaked into the ultras world have led us to bring forward the times for do not leave too much room for incorrect interpretations of our thoughts.

We would like to point out that NOTHING HAS BEEN DECIDED “IN CONCERT WITH THE POLICE HEADQUARTERS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT” as some misleading messages and newspapers tried to convey, the new curve lines are the result of the joint work of all the groups belonging to the North without conditions!!!

So let’s go step by step…

The media and judicial storm that hit the North this time really risked erasing 55 years of Nerazzurri ultras history. The heart of the North, however, is proving to be stronger than everything and, thanks to the commitment of all those who have shown that they believe in the value that represents the fulcrum of Nerazzurri support, we are once again emerging stronger and aware of the mistakes made.

It is right to recognize how the drift that overwhelmed us was also a consequence of our carelessness in monitoring the organizational and economic management of the curve. To better understand the reason for the point that some committed visitors and representatives of the curve have reached, we must start from the economic management of the North.

The proceeds of the North have always been divided among the various groups of the curve who, through the distribution of gadgets and stickers, financed themselves to help their visitors reduce travel costs to a minimum, contribute to the common expenses for the creation of choreographies and participate in the costs for cheering instruments such as drums, megaphones and flags.

The tickets that were requested through Inter’s normal distribution channels were regularly paid for and the only advantage offered by the company for public order and organizational needs was to have a priority channel for the purchase of tickets in the interest common to allow the most assiduous fans to be present always and everywhere to lead the support for the team.

By virtue of this “service” offered by those who managed this organizational section allowed by the priority channel agreed with the company, the groups had the right to request a surcharge at the cost price of the coupons which was set aside by the curve to cover any further extraordinary common expenses such as those for the legal protection of visitors, warehouses for curve materials, means of transport for choreos, etc. This curve’s organizational and economic structure followed what happens more or less in all curves but what is the difference and how did we arrive at the economic escalation that reawakened someone’s evident speculative appetites?

Our reality changed from the moment in which all the management of tickets, material and contributions to the curve was concentrated on a few people who managed and controlled all the accounts.
This new management system, started after the pandemic period, allowed a few people to progressively manage increasingly larger volumes of money thanks also to the unification of the curve behind a single banner that identified the entire Nerazzurri ultras movement.

These steps of “centralization of powers” escaped even the most frequent visitors who, in total good faith and although they could no longer have access to the accounts, benefited from the services which were nevertheless guaranteed by those who managed the curve economy as above all the priority in obtaining away tickets and covering costs for choreography.

The fact that everything was working as best as possible, the positive results of the team and the organizational quality of those who managed the Nord, deceived everyone into believing that the perfect curve balance had been achieved without realizing what they were contributing to.

Whoever managed the North, with the consent of unaware attendees, acquired total freedom in the production of material, obtaining contributions, sponsorships and the right to choose the share of the surcharge for the redistribution of tickets.

All these speculative activities have never even touched the patrons closest to the management who in the meantime, thanks to their undeniable ability to enhance the Curva Nord “brand”, have been able to increase revenues exponentially.

No one was aware of the alleged profits derived from other activities and we are all amazed by what we have learned, like everyone else, from the media reconstructions.

And now?!?

Now, strengthened by the heavy lesson suffered and the mistakes made, the North has reorganized itself by eliminating the curve economy and returning to the division into groups that coordinate the support respecting its own curve geography and dividing itself into the usual sectors historically occupied in the Second Green Ring .

The management of the cheering will be shared by a board of directors made up of one representative per group and there will no longer be any “ticket service” so tickets, especially for away games, will have to be purchased individually by the attendees.

The travel issue will be the main problem, Nord will still provide the means of transport but the number and availability will necessarily have to depend on the counting of how many attendees have obtained the ticket with all the difficulties that will arise from it.

With this new structure and the distribution of roles in total transparency, we are certain that the North will never again be open to speculation and opportunism and will return to a structure based on merit and not on profit.

And the banners?!?

As regards the away banners, the North will be represented by the SECOND RING GREEN banner.

For home matches, given the ban imposed by the police station on the OLD FANS, BOYS, VIKING and BRIGADE banners to which some of the suspects are linked, all the groups have decided, as roughly anticipated by someone, to continue to group together behind a common banner which will regular authorization requested already for the meeting on 28 October and which will sound like a reminder of our identity and tradition SINCE 1969… UNITED, PROUD AND NEVER TAMED.

Given that this indiscretion has also been leaked, we anticipate that in the event that, starting from next season and given the new representatives who have replaced the people involved at a judicial level, the prohibited banners are allowed, it has been decided to restore the curve the historic aesthetic physiognomy with the banners of all the groups back in place.

On this occasion we also make it known that all of Nord’s communication will be restricted to the Facebook page L’URLO DELLA NORD and the new Instagram profile Secondoanelloverde_1969

We ask everyone to continue to place their trust in us and to ensure that certain errors are not repeated.