Fiorentina, news in sight for Franchi. The mayor: “Second meeting with Commisso tomorrow”

There Florentine Of Rocco Commisso continues to work for the future of the Artemio Franchi stadium. The mayor of Florence, Sara Funarospoke about it in a press conference, on the sidelines of an event at Palazzo Vecchio, reporting the latest updates: “Tomorrow I will meet the president of Fiorentina Rocco Commisso – reports ItalPress – we had a first meeting and we will have a second meeting tomorrow where we will address the various issues for Fiorentina to play at Franchi.”

The Minister for Sport, also present in Florence, expressed his opinion on the subject, Andrea Abodi: “I have learned that for good things, done well and together, money is not a problem. Indeed, it will not be the resources that are currently lacking that will cause the project to stall. I see that the project is also starting to interest the purple company, there has been a rapprochement in relationships and when we get closer and talk in a constructive and proactive way, solutions are found.

The government will do its part – he added, as reported The Nation – Florence is part of an overall project that aims at Euro 2032 but not only that, the Municipality of Florence and Fiorentina were two of the interlocutors we have already listened to at the table we built with the Ministry of Economy”.