Padovano on the sentence in the Bergamini trial: “From up there Donato aligned the planets”

Two days after being sentenced to 16 years in prison for Isabella Internò for the death of Donato Bergaminiformer footballer of Cosenza died on November 18, 1989, through the columns of La Gazzetta dello Sport, Michele Padovanoformer teammate of Bergamini himself, released some statements on the matter:

“It was an incredible emotion – he explains in relation to the sentence -. Many memories, beautiful moments came back to me. And then the last months, the deposition, the wait. The sentence finally arrived, an incredible liberation.

Dignity has been restored to the family and to us comrades who loved this boy, who for 35 years was overwhelmed by incredible events. He was
to me like an older brother. I was with him in the hotel room that damn day. I saw him answer the phone, agree to meet the killers. Even though he didn’t say anything then.

I like to think that he saw everything from up there, making the planets align. I returned to life after a ferocious period, now his story has taken the right path. My son is called Denis, need we say anything else?”