34 million fine for Roma? The club: “Correct action. Possible penalty would be 2 million”

Today’s newspaper the Republic had made the place tremble Rometalking about examinations of the financial statements from 2016 to 2021 by the Financial Police which would have detected an ‘unfaithful declaration’ committed by the Giallorossi club. With a possible fine of up to 34 million euros.

The Giallorossi club issued a statement in the evening to respond to these rumours: “In relation to the inaccurate information that appeared regarding the report of the Guardia di Finanza, the Company believes that these are unfounded findings, with regard to which it intends to highlight the correctness of its actions at the competent offices, without prejudice to the fact that, even if the If the findings were accepted, the maximum tax burden would not exceed approximately 2 million euros”.