Bologna, the CEO Fenucci: “There will be some suffering, but with Liverpool it’s a historic evening”

The Bologna dives into a European night in which dreaming is a must: the match at Anfield Road against Liverpool seems like an impossible task, but football has accustomed us to sporting miracles of all kinds.
The CEO spoke during the Sky Sport pre-match. redblue Claudio Fenucci.

What does it mean to be here?
“It is the completion of a journey, after a beautiful journey made up of some joy and some pain. We are here to play a match of historic value.”

Dallinga plays. How do you imagine this Bologna?
“It goes without saying that I expect a difficult match, we will suffer and a lot of intensity will be needed. I know that Italiano has prepared it properly, now it’s up to the boys not to feel the emotion of the debut. Dallinga has an opportunity and I hope he will be able to make the most of it.”