Ultras question of Inter and Milan, Vaciago: “Similarities and differences with the Juve case”

The investigation involving Inter and Milan fans brings to light what happened a few years ago at the Juventus. About this Guido Vaciagofrom the columns of Tuttosportwanted to dot the i’s outlining – in his opinion – a picture of analogies and differences between the two cases: “In 2016 the mass media, not all but many, casually associated the name of Juventus with that of the Ndrangheta, leaving the inference of a certain complicity between the clubs and organized crime was floating in the air, just as the club denounced the criminals and actively collaborated in the investigations”.

Are the circumstances in which Juventus found themselves and those in which Milan and Inter find themselves the same? Vaciago responds like this: “There are many analogies, starting from the crux of the matter: football clubs find themselves in a position which, one might say “physiologically”, lends itself to blackmail and extortion by the delinquent fringes of the curves . Just as Juventus ended up under blackmail, so it happened to Inter and Milan.”

“Juventus was accused of managing the sale of tickets, in the papers of the investigators on Inter and Milan – the journalist points out – the scope of the protests seems to be wider, as is the involvement of members of the company, even at top level“. “Remaining to the story, however, it should be underlined that Juventus’ collaboration in the investigation was total. Inter and Milan – he concludes – are at a crucial moment: the prosecutors were clear in asking the two clubs for full collaboration and the termination of any ties with the ultras. The role of injured party inevitably passes through that path. The level of collaboration can simplify or complicate life for managers and clubs, even in sports.”