Maxi blitz against the Inter and Milan ultras clans, arrests and searches

An investigation that shakes the world of football, especially the Milanese one. Yesterday the agents of the Central Operational Service of the Central Anti-Crime Directorate of the State Police, of the Flying Squad and of the Guardia di Finanza of Milan – coordinated by the DDA of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Milan – carried out nineteen precautionary measures, signed by the investigating judge Domenico Santoro, and around fifty searches of people investigated in various capacities for criminal association, with the aggravating circumstance of the mafia method, extortion, injuries and other serious crimes. Those arrested – fifteen in prison and three under house arrest, the nineteenth was Bellocco, who died on 4 September – are almost all attributable to the ultras fans of Inter and Milan and the crimes connected to the turnover linked to the football context.

The accusations – as mentioned – relate to dozens and dozens of crimes, as underlined by Marcello Viola, Milan Prosecutor. “Our request had already been presented in June, before Bellocco’s murder. As regards the AC Milan fans, the aggravating circumstance of an approach to organized crime was not recognised. But even there there are extraordinary forms of violence gravity. Out of the investigations it emerges that the leaders of the two supporters had signed a sort of non-belligerence pact, aimed at maximizing illicit profits. And I’ll quote you a few passages: ‘We don’t care about the team, the signing campaign, the people : if I do it there must be an economic return…’. There is nothing sporting here: just obtaining profit”, some of the statements made at the press conference.

Here are all the updates released yesterday:

“Criminal association in the San Siro corners”: 18 Milan and Inter ultra leaders arrested – Read the news, CLICK HERE!

Ultra boss to Simone Inzaghi: “Intervene with Marotta for tickets to the Champions League final” – Read the news, CLICK HERE!

Milan and Inter ultra leaders arrested. The FIGC prosecutor’s office requests documents from the Milan prosecutor’s office – Read the news, CLICK HERE!

Ultra leaders of Inter and Milan arrested. Prosecutor Viola: “Interest in front clubs” – Read the news, CLICK HERE!

Ultra leaders of Inter and Milan arrested. The prevention procedure for clubs has been started – Read the news, CLICK HERE!

Arrests for the ultra leaders of Inter and Milan. No comment in the League of Marotta and Antonello – Read the news, CLICK HERE!

De Siervo on the measures against Milan and Inter ultras: “Stadiums become places for families” – Read the news, CLICK HERE!

Investigation into the curves of Inter and Milan: pact between ultras on tickets to the Champions League final – Read the news, CLICK HERE!

Inter, Ferdico and the advice ready for Inzaghi: “Pull out the garra, in 10 you leave the 2 strikers” – Read the news, CLICK HERE!

The Inter ultras and the meeting with Skriniar: “He goes 100%, his voice was shaking” – Read the news, CLICK HERE!

Gravina on arrests in the ultras world: “Enforcing the rules is good for football” – Read the news, CLICK HERE!

The investigating judge: “A meeting between AC Milan ultras boss and Calabria documented in February 2023” – Read the news, CLICK HERE!

Investigations into the Inter ultras, according to the Milan Prosecutor’s Office, part of the proceeds went to prisoners – Read the news, CLICK HERE!