Inter, Inzaghi and the goals conceded: “It’s not a problem of the defenders but of the whole team”

Champions League eve for Inter, who will host Red Star at San Siro tomorrow at 9pm. Simone Inzaghi spoke to the microphones of Sky Sports thus presenting the challenge: “We know Red Star, we have seen many matches. It is a healthy team that started strong in the championship with 8 wins and 1 draw. In this day and a half we have tried to study it well and prepare it, we know that all The matches in Europe present difficulties and we will have to pay close attention.”

Is it possible to calculate points with this new Champions League formula?
“Clearly with this new formula it’s a free-for-all. If in previous years after a couple of games we could make assessments on the type of group, now we can’t. We have to think game after game, we know that we have a tough schedule which in the first game had us given Manchester City and in the second Red Star”.

Inter’s attitude against Udinese was an immediate response after the derby. How complicated is it this year to maintain this consistency of performance over the course of the season?
“We know that’s the key. We’ve been used to playing every 3 days for many years, that’s where we need to be good. Finding that continuity that we’re missing now but we hope can come as soon as possible.”

We were talking about the goals conceded which are a characteristic not typical of Inter. This year, what’s going wrong in that respect?
“Clearly it’s not a problem of the defenders but of the whole team. At the moment when our opponents enter the area they score goals for us, but clearly the difficulties of our Serie A in Europe are there and we will always have to keep our attention high and work as a team as we always have.”

Frattesi and Lautaro did very well against Udinese. What is the thing you liked most about both of them and could they start again tomorrow?
“They did very well like the whole team. For tomorrow I will have to make some evaluations: today I tried a little something, tomorrow we will do an important training session and I will resolve the doubts. There are some, they are also in these ballots, we will choose to choose the formation 48 hours from Udine”.