Parma, Balogh: “To take to the field and fight until the end for Circati too”

He is the Parma footballer Balogh to present the challenge against Cagliari in a short exclusive interview with DAZN: “We must continue to play as we have always done, ours is a precise identity. Against Lecce we completed the comeback, but even when the result didn’t arrive I saw a team with clear ideas. I’m very sorry, these are things that unfortunately happen when you play football and we, as a group, have to stay close to him and go on the pitch fighting for him too.”
These are the official lineups:

PARMA (4-2-3-1): Suzuki; Delprato, Balogh, Osorio, Valeri; Bernabé, Hainaut; Man, Hernani, Mihaila; Bonnie. Coach Fabio Pecchia.
CAGLIARI (3-4-1-2): Scuffet; Obert, Mina, Luperto, Zortea, Adopo, Makoumbou, Zappa; Viola; Little ones, Luvumbo. Coach Davide Nicola.