Trento officially returns to ‘Briamasco’. And Milan Futuro arrives in Solbiate Arno

He officially returns home on Trento, after the Infrastructure and Sports-Organizational Criteria Commission decided to accept the club’s request for the use of the city stadium, the ‘Briamasco’and with the yellow-blue team also the Milan Futuro, today, received the news that it will be able to play its home matches at the ‘”Felice Chinetti’ in Solbiate Arno.

We therefore report the press release linked to the club from president Mauro Giacca: “Lega Pro has taken note that the Infrastructure and Sports-Organizational Criteria Commission, in the meeting of 30 September 2024, examined the request dated 26 September 2024 presented by the AC Trento company 1921 Srl, for the use of the “Briamasco” Stadium in Trento.
The Infrastructure and Sports-Organizational Criteria Commission, having examined the documentation produced, decided to accept the request presented by the company AC Trento 1921 Srl for the use of the “Briamasco” Stadium in Trento for the 2024/2025 sports season.
Consequently, it is hereby announced that the Trento-Pro Vercelli match, scheduled for Sunday 20 October 2024, starting at 3.00 pm, will be played at the “Briamasco” Stadium in Trento”.

This is then followed by the one linked to the Rossoneri team: “Lega Pro has taken note that the Infrastructure and Sports-Organisational Criteria Commission, in its meeting on 30 September 2024, examined the derogation request presented by AC Milan SpA on 16 September 2024, for the use of the “Felice Chinetti” Stadium in Solbiate Arno, in place of the “Carlo Speroni” Stadium in Busto Arsizio which was also authorized in derogation when issuing the 2024/2025 National License.
The Infrastructural and Sporting-Organisational Criteria Commission, having examined the documentation produced, decided to accept the request for exemption presented by the company AC Milan SpA for the use of the “Felice Chinetti” Stadium in Solbiate Arno for the dispute of the Serie C Championship NOW 2024/2025 sports season with its own Second Team.
Consequently, it is hereby announced that the Milan Futuro-Pianese match, scheduled for Saturday 5 October 2024, starting at 3.00 pm, will be played at the “Felice Chinetti” Stadium in Solbiate Arno”.