Investigation into the curves of Inter and Milan: pact between ultras on tickets to the Champions League final

Other details emerge from the investigation into the curves Inter And Milan. As reported by, the judge explained that “an agreement had been reached before the Champions League semi-final was played in relation to the sale of tickets for the final in Istanbul, which provided that whoever won would undertake to give a quota of tickets to members of the opposing fans”.

This is what we read from the ordinance which led to 19 precautionary measures. “The interceptions – writes the investigating judge – provide a clear representation of the agreement between the two associations to divide any income that could derive from the participation of one of the two Milanese teams in the final act of the Champions League”.

Going into detail on the Inter front, the judge continues, “an agreement seemed to have been reached with the club to obtain 1500 tickets for the Curva Nord alone for the final, but then the number had drastically dropped, suddenly, to 800. This had triggered the reaction of the leaders of the Curva Nord with contacts deployed at every level, from journalists to members of the club such as Sala (Supporter Liaison Officer, ed.), Zanetti, the coach himself and former players. The pressure exerted, therefore, allowed for good results 1500 tickets, as initially requested, so Ferdico, as soon as he learned the final figure, rushed to communicate it to Bellocco and Beretta”.