Inter, Inzaghi: “Intercepts? Investigation underway, the club has asked us not to comment”

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Once the derby was over and the victory was regained, theInter look for their first success in this edition of the Champions League. Tomorrow the Nerazzurri will make their seasonal debut at San Siro in the top continental competition, hosted by Red Star. The technician Simone Inzaghi presents the race in a press conference: live text by TMW.

2.40pm – The press conference is scheduled to start at 3pm.

15.09 – Inzaghi’s press conference begins.

This year they are all waiting for you at the gate. What has changed for your work?
“I talked about it in the conference on the day of the meeting. Winning is difficult, repeating is even more difficult. As for the boys, they are working with great commitment. We still lack that continuity, which we had last year: it goes trained. At the start of the season all the teams have had difficulties and are trying to improve, we are working on it too. On Saturday the boys played a great match, today we are talking about the two goals conceded: this morning they were a reason for analysis. we must always try to improve and we can’t just talk about the defenders, but about Inter as a whole. I’m confident.”

What type of match do you expect tomorrow, also in light of the new Champions League formula?
“Last year you could imagine how the group was going, now it’s a bit of an all-against-all. It’s a compelling formula, with many difficulties: we know them, the calendar isn’t simple but we’ll have to be good at facing every match of this new formula “.

Inter saw themselves again on Saturday. On a defensive level, Frattesi said that the departments remained too wide of them. How is it fixed?
“Concentration is a very important element, we know that we have had our principles to carry forward for some time: I think that Inter had already seen themselves again with CIty or with Atalanta. Inter must give continuity to their performances in this moment, without conceding anything. If the two opportunities given on Sunday hadn’t come in we would be talking about something else: at this moment we need to pay more attention because when they shoot, finding worthy opponents, we need more attention.”

How is turnover managed? Tomorrow Lautaro from the 1st minute?
“On the forwards I still have to decide between Lautaro, Thuram, Arnautovic and Taremi. They will have a good chance of playing all four, the training data will have to be evaluated. I understand the turnover because we need everyone: this year is a more difficult than the previous year, I don’t think about the relays but I base myself on what I see. Sometimes the choices are easy, other times less so, in the last three years we have passed the groups with different ease: this one. we can’t make any calculations because it’s a free-for-all. We have to pay attention to Red Star, they’re a very well-trained team who have done very well in the championship: it will be a game with dangers, we’ll have to manage them in the best possible way.”

How do you comment on the news on wiretaps?
“There is an ongoing investigation, the company asked us not to say anything.”

Can Frattesi play three games in a row?
“I’m evaluating tomorrow whether he will start from the beginning or later. We will try to evaluate.”

Is last season unrepeatable or do we need to move the bar higher?
“We are third in the standings, there are six different league leaders and we are looking for the continuity that can make the difference. I liked Bisseck a lot on Sunday.”

Tomorrow Zielinski and Mkhitaryan with Calhanoglu?
“Zielinski will definitely play, I’m deciding the other two places. I’m deciding the other two places”

Have you analyzed the two goals conceded in Udine?
“Yes, and there is a combination of faults in both goals. On the first Thuram goes up and the team must go up, they must clean the area: there must not be the player who puts in the cross, we must position ourselves better. On the second goal , which is very difficult but I read that a certain player is to blame: there is a combination of errors. I read about Bisseck, Darmian, Acerbi, De Vrij: it’s all five’s fault if we conceded goals, you can’t say it’s the fault of them. a single. It was the fault of all of Inter, starting from the attackers. Everyone must do better, in all the things they did: it was a reason for analysis.”

Dumfries from the first minute? Has it renewed?
“I think it hasn’t been announced yet, Denzel is an important player and tomorrow, like Zielinski, he is a player who I can say with certainty will play.”

3.22pm – Simone Inzaghi’s press conference concluded.