M. Coulibaly and the farewell to Salernitana: “Petrachi has decided to clean up…”

Mamadou Coulibaly he returned to Arechi yesterday for the first time as a former footballer Salernitana and played about twenty positive minutes, within the final 0-0. Greeted by applause from part of the stadium, the midfielder today playing for the Catanzaro he then presented himself in front of the microphones in the press room:

“Always nice and exciting to be here – we read on TuttoSalernitana -. I still get shivers thinking back to the emotions I experienced here. I was very sorry to have left. I tried in every way to stay. Unfortunately, football is like that. I want to help Catanzaro and try to do well. It’s natural to have problems in the second half: we did our homework well by trying to start on the counterattack. It’s a good point. I didn’t ask to leave Salerno. The director has decided to make a clean sweep of last year’s players, but I have nothing to do with the past.”