Brescia-Cremonese, derby worth the top ranking: whoever wins gets on the podium in B

A derby which in itself brought tension and adrenaline for the two teams, but which is even more valuable for what it means for the rankings: at 8.30 pm the kick-off of Brescia-Cremonese at the Mario Rigamonti stadium, which will close the seventh day of the BKT Series Championship. Whoever wins, flies: Maran’s team would catch Sassuolo in third place, the Grigiorossi would take Spezia in second.

How Brescia arrives
Maran’s Brescia restarts from the second half of the defeat suffered in the Italian Cup against Monza. The opponent was a superior category and it was known, but what was worrying was the attitude of the swallows in the first half, certainly too defeatist. However, the reaction in the second half was excellent with the surprise Nuamah at the end. For the team, Juric is ahead of Olzer in the attacking midfield, Moncini should act as “9” up front. Papetti, Adorni and Jallow in the 3-man line behind, Bisoli, Besaggio and Verreth in the midfield, Dickmann and Corrado on the outside in Maran’s 3-5-2. We need to find confirmation after a good start to the championship which has led to 3 wins and 3 defeats so far, with 9 points in the standings.

How the Cremonese arrives
Castagnetti (surprisingly) and Ravanelli are not available, both injured. Lochosvhili is then disqualified. Ceccherini, Zanimacchia and Bonazzoli return instead. Majer and Nasti then returned to their best after the flu. Ceccherini or Moretti next to Bianchetti and Antov in defence, in midfield there is space for Collocolo and Vandeputte as midfielders around Majer, favorite to replace Castagnetti. Zanimacchia and Sernicola should act on the outside. Johnsen and Nasti are the favorites ahead of Vazquez and the former Bonazzoli.