Rome, there is no shortage of boos. But the 2-1 against Venezia is a godsend

A crisis-busting victory? Maybe not, but Roma managed to turn the negative moment around with a 2-1 win over Venezia. After a troubled first half, with a goal conceded by Pohjanpalo, the Giallorossi reacted thanks to goals from Cristante and Pisilli, two sharp ones in the final part of the match against the lagoon players which allowed Ivan Juric to win the second consecutive victory in the championship.

There was no shortage of boos from the Olimpico, especially in the first half, at the end of the match the entire Capitoline crowd invited the team to show off their attributes. Not a simple situation at all, but another three points will allow the Croatian coach to work with a little more serenity.

The words of Ivan Juric
The Roma coach commented on the progress of the match in the press room and a victory that seemed impossible until Cristante’s goal: “We played a game of crazy intensity. What I saw in the first half was that some players slowed down, while others managed to maintain the pace. I think that in the second half the team showed incredible spirit, we did the right things. Now we need to be more attentive, more fired up.” Space for what could be alternative solutions: “We all know that Dybala is a special boy. How can we improve Roma when he’s not there? We need to improve the game, the positions. We need more speed”, he ruled.

Bitter ending
Bittersweet day for Venezia di Eusebio Di Francesco. The former player once again suffered a knockout despite a good collective performance: Oristanio and Pohjanpalo showed the right understanding, for a good hour the team responded without ever getting too worried. However, Roma’s two failures have brought to light the defects of a group that has nevertheless demonstrated that it can remain in Serie A: consistency is lacking, an essential element to get out of the quicksand.