Cesena, Tavsan scores the first goal: “Happy that it was important for the victory”

The Cesena wins 4-2 against Mantua at the Dino Manuzzi Stadium and reaches 11 points, which currently gives the Bianconeri fourth place. During the post-match one of the authors of the goals for the team Mignanithe attacker Elayis Tavsanspoke at the press conference: “I’m really happy to have scored this goal, my first goal for Juventus in this stadium. We have to continue like this and I’m really happy to have scored an important goal for our victory.”

Then again: “First I had another more difficult opportunity than the one against Pisa, in that case I wasn’t able to give much power to the shot. Next time I’ll try to do better to try to score my first header too , but for now I’m happy with this one done with my feet. I’m happy with this first month here in Cesena, the group has helped me a lot since the first day to settle in and we are a united team on and off the pitch. We can still grow a lot , I want to demonstrate all my potential and I think we still have a lot to say.”

On the match and his entrance then, he said: “When I entered it was a moment of slight difficulty, because the opponents were pushing to look for the goal and I think my goal came at a decisive moment. After the fourth goal we found more courage, I also had more space to exploit and I think we played a good match. I’m coming off an injury that occurred last year which affected my last season. Today I’m still not 100%, but I’m putting my all into it every training session and I always try to push hard to be ready, I try to be more and more reactive and efficient and I want to continue like this to always improve. I am aware that I can still improve a lot and I will work every day to do so also from the performance point of view intensity and wickedness, I really want to do well and grow further.”