The Government against the ‘pezzotto’: prison is also foreseen, two amendments approved

Two amendments to the Omnibus Law Decree, brought forward by Forza Italia and Fratelli d’Italia, were approved in the Senate in recent hours against television piracy, also concerning sporting events.

The text, approved by the Budget and Finance Commission, extends the obligation to block access to content disseminated illegally by “providers of VPN services and those of publicly available DNS” and undertakes to report any criminally relevant conduct to the judicial and/or police authorities. In short, essentially anyone who fails to point this out or omits it is committing a crime and risks up to a year in prisonto which the economic sanction must also be added, based on those for computer crimes and illicit processing of sensitive data.

It is read in the second amended point those who are required to report offences: “Network access service providers, search engine managers and information society service providers, including providers and intermediaries of VPNs or in any case of technical solutions that hinder the identification of the IP address of origin, content delivery network operators, providers of distributed Internet security and DNS services, who place themselves between visitors to a site, and hosting providers who act as reverse proxy servers for websites”.