Cosenza, Venturi: “Lasagna? It’s a superior category, there are few like it in B”

The defender of Cosenza, Michael Venturispoke in the press conference at the end of the drawn match against Bari (1 to 1). Here are his words, reported by “We conceded goals that we could have avoided, but in the second half we entered the field with the desire to recover and in the end we did it. We are happy. In the first half we were a a little frenetic, they were positioned well. Clearly after their expulsion the opponents compacted and it was difficult to find spaces.” Venturi then talks about the red and white striker Kevin Lasagna: “He is a superior category player. There are few players of his level in Serie B”.

Cosenza coach Massimiliano also commented on the match Alvini: “I think that at the end of the match the result was right. The team must be given credit for never leaving the match. Even with the numerical superiority it wasn’t easy. Good performance against a strong team. I’ll keep the point, I’m happy. Bari has a strong coach and I like him a lot as a team.”

On his team’s performance: “This was the match we wanted to play. Today, in my opinion, against this Bari team we had an extraordinary performance from a tactical point of view. We didn’t allow great counterattacks to Lasagna, precisely because we had a different balance. In my opinion it was It wasn’t a good match, but a dirty one and that’s exactly what we wanted. We were good in possession, but I’m satisfied.”