Inter’s report cards – Lautaro has removed a boulder, Dimarco sumptuous

(35′ Kabasele, 83′ Lucca; 1′ Frattesi, 45’+3 and 47′ Lautaro)

Summer 6 – Two goals against and practically no saves to be made. We return to ordinary administration, with nothing left to say as usual.

Bisseck 5 – The pros: they inzaghino to the extreme, you can find it almost everywhere around the pitch, in an excellent match from this point of view. Cons: he is responsible for both Udinese goals, Kabasele has too much space and against Lucca he is the one who comes out with bad timing. Defensive blackouts on which he must work, also because the goals conceded are two: as many as his errors..

Unripe 6 – Big and big as he is, don’t be scared of Davis. Lucca’s push, which at the end reopens a match that seemed closed, has a generational aftertaste.

Sticks 6.5 – Dangerous at the start, he touches the net twice. Behind him he has little effort and proposes to pass the ball. He also gives cold chills to the fans when he messes up at the end of the first half: Davis pardons him. (From the 75th minute De Vrij –).

Darmian 6.5 – He returns to the starting line-up and immediately delivers the assist for his team’s instant advantage. He also has the opportunity to score, as the minutes pass he goes on autopilot.

Frattesi 7 – Barella is in the pits, three races full of flavor Schadenfreude for those who have to demonstrate that they can keep up. He can’t believe his eyes when Udinese opens the door for his favorite fundamental. Of course, there is work to be done on the maneuver. (From 86′ Zielinski sv).

Calhanoglu 6.5 – More inaccuracies than usual and it’s news, but he offers a game of solid and reliable direction, in the first half he also puts Lautaro on goal.

Mkhitaryan 6 – It is a special observation, after a dull start to the season. He plays it in full: clearer message, Inzaghi just couldn’t send it. Generous, at the end with the reserve light on

Dimarco 7 – Sumptuous first half, best on the pitch: he creates a flurry of chances for his teammates, the close on Lovric is worth a goal. At the end of the half, he assisted Lautaro’s goal. He returns for the honor of signing in the second half, then the scheduled relay. (From the 65th minute Carlos Augusto 6 – Not at the level of his companion, without flaws).

Thuram 6.5 – At the start of the championship he seemed to have become a cynical goal-scoring animal; today the usual generous and powerful feline seems to have returned, beautiful to look at and perhaps wasteful. The feeling with the gentleman below is excellent. (From 75′ Taremi 6 – A goal rightly not validated and not much else).

Lautaro 7.5 – The missing goal weighs like a boulder. He searches for it and doesn’t find it, in the end he gives it to her Eupalla and within three minutes (excluding half-time) he scores a brace, to remove any doubt: he is unblocked. Now, who knows, he will look back and notice that, despite all the hype, it was only six games. (From 86′ Correa sv).

Simone Inzaghi 7 – He finds himself at a crossroads: to get out of it, he focuses on the team that made him and made him successful. Half a vote more because it made a victory that was not so simple and even less obvious seem ordinary: at times Inter also seems like the one from the good days. The fact remains that the handover – any reference to Zielinski is intentional – will arrive sooner or later. There also remain those phases in which the lights go out and the opponents punctually score.