Gotti’s report cards: at the start he holds his own against Milan, then everything fades away in a short time

This was not the match in which to score points for Lecce Luca Gottibut it was becoming so thanks to an excellent first half hour. The coach, however, paid for 5 minutes of Milan’s fire but also of the confusion of his players who then failed to react in the second half.

Slight sufficiency in many report cards, such as that of Tuttosport: “Five minutes of madness and confusion made Lecce melt under the blows of Milan, but good things were seen”. Similar assessment by La Gazzetta dello Sport: “The collapse at the end of the first half diminishes the good start of the match and incinerates
his race plan is to cover himself and start again.”

Among the various newspapers, one of the most severe is TMW, which gives him a 5 on its report card exactly like Corriere della Sera. Below is the verdict: “It was also a difficult match to judge, because in fact it was decided in 5 minutes at the end of the first half. What must be saved is the attitude of his team up to that moment and the desire to stay in the match in the second half to avoid the embarked”. So it’s not a bad evening overall, but there’s a lot to work on.

Luca Gotti’s report cards
TMW: 5
La Gazzetta dello Sport: 5.5
Il Corriere dello Sport: 5.5
Tuttosport: 5.5
Il Corriere della Sera: 5
La Repubblica: 5.5