Sassuolo, Ballardini: “Berardi’s important absence, but today we are back as a team”

The coach of the Emilians, Davide Ballardinispoke to DAZN after Sassuolo’s 1-0 victory against new Italian champions Inter.
Tonight we saw the desire and much more. How much has your world changed in 7 days?
“The performance in Florence was particularly bad. But you can only do this performance today if you have a solid group that thinks for the good of the team. Attitude and spirit led to this.”

How much did Berardi’s injury have an impact?
“Yes, it’s true that Domenico is a point of reference but if you have a team with serious guys who give it their all and team up with the right spirit, you can make up for this absence too. The regret is that we played 2 matches, Lecce and Florence, where we did everything wrong. And this is sorry. But together, as a team and with our qualities, we can do well even without an extraordinary player like Berardi.”

Have you found the right key with these guys? 3 even more important matches await you.
“Start from the team, from the attitude. The arrangement for me comes later. It’s clear that you have to put the players in their place and enhance their qualities. But all of these must be functional to the team. We have to go and play until the end and tonight we are back to being a team.”

Laurienté was decisive in these matches. How much does it also depend on its qualities?
“Sassuolo must make up for the absences as a team, it is clear that Laurienté is very important for us due to the qualities he has. Pinamonti also played an extraordinarily generous game this evening. I struggle to say who was better.”