Empoli, D’Aversa: “I care that the team doesn’t lose its DNA”

12.00 – Good morning, friends of TUTTOmercatoWEB! In a few minutes the press conference of the Empoli coach will take place Roberto D’Aversa in view of the Coppa Italia match against Torino.

12.25 – The conference begins.

You face perhaps the most in-form team in the league. Is this the test Empoli needs?
“Torino is doing extraordinary things like us. Cagliari was an away game where we went above and beyond, even on a physical level. They spent a lot, when you go on the pitch you always go to get a result regardless of the opponent’s value. We are not comparable to Torino, but I am interested in the team not losing its DNA that is allowing us to do important things. We need to think about Torino, which is a strong team and has made important investments. We must not distract ourselves from our reality”

Will you make any lineup choices based on the derby?
“We have to think about one game at a time, I would have made the choices I make tomorrow regardless. Some spent a lot in Cagliari, I have to think about what was used up in terms of energy and who can be valid in terms of performance. There are also difficulties in choosing the first eleven for the away match in Cagliari. The physical condition of some is different, in the match you prepare for several games, mostly playing midweek. I don’t want to consider them problems or excuses, but as opportunities for my lads. We will need everything, I have to see who is ready. Some will have difficulties but the difficulties are faced along the way”

How are you seeing the progress of Colombo and Esposito?
“They are two strong and promising players, but I want to underline the collective work. The individual is exalted by the team’s work”

Did Cacace satisfy you in a more advanced position in Cagliari?
“As for Cacace, he can play different roles. In the cup he played as a wingman, on Friday I gave him Zappa as a reference and he did everything that is in his characteristics. He is a complete player who unfortunately for various reasons often finds himself playing games far from here. I have used him less but he has quality, he is always in my head”

Given the rather large list of long-term absentees and various issues with Fazzini, Maleh, is this the right game at the wrong time?
“To ensure that I have more players fit and ready, I have to try them. In the championship, everyone will be needed, they themselves will have to be good at being part of the group. A coach doesn’t give anything away to anyone, what one gets is because it is deserved. The coach doesn’t make choices that are against his own interests, but to win the game. It’s the players who make you understand if the choices are right. These guys train a lot from the first day of retreat, there will also be forced choices but those who take the field from the start will have to give more than everything. Let’s erase what was done today and think that we will face a very difficult match, against the team first in the championship. But it is a rewarding match”