Spezia, Cassata: “The energy of the Picco is crazy. I was sure we would win”

“Playing a match like this is an indescribable emotion and seeing it right from the warm-up a stadium capable of exuding incredible energy is something absolutely crazy, for everyone, and especially for those like me and Vignali who are from La Spezia“. The Spezia midfielder Francis Cassata in the post-match of the derby against Carrarese, won 4-2, he spoke to the official channels of the Ligurian club: “I was sure that the match would end with a positive result for us, because when the peak is like this, it becomes really tough for everyone”.

Then there was time for the preparation of the match: “The coach told me to stay calm before the match because he knew that it was a match that I felt more than others, but I must say that he always manages to give me the right input to make me perform at my best and today his advice certainly worked. – continues Cassata – I didn’t have to say anything to my teammates during the week, because this is a responsible group, ready to face this type of match and I’m really proud of all my teammates.. Since mister D’Angelo arrived, we have created an incredible, unique alchemy, something truly beautiful that we must always bring with us onto the field, because by continuing like this together, we will be able to get great satisfaction”.

Finally, the midfielder takes stock of the good start to the championship of the Eaglets: “We are playing the championship that we knew we had to do, combining our qualities with a spirit of sacrifice, because we know that in Serie B especially, some characteristics must never be missing, such as the desire to fight for our teammates and for the shirt we wear. – concludes Cassata – We must always remain balanced, continue to think one game at a time. and always try to do our best, regardless of the opponent, because with this mentality I’m sure we’ll be able to go far”.