Bologna, De Silvestri: “We needed this win. Champions League? We managed the double commitment well”

Between Monza And Bolognaat the U-Power Stadium, it was the Felsinei who returned home with their first victory of the season: the final result was 1-2, thanks to goals from Urbanski, Djuric and Castro.

The red and blue captain Lorenzo DeSilvestri spoke at the end of the match. The rossoblù captain spoke to the microphones of the press room, as reported by “We are very happy with this victory, a bit hard-fought because it came at the end, but we dominated the game, kept the ball well and created chances until the end. We needed a victory because the result always counts, but in terms of performance we also did well in the other league games and in the Champions League. We managed to manage the double commitment of the week well: the coach and the staff were good at involving the whole group and making us all feel called to action. Personally, I am happy to have played as a starter after a while, to have given my contribution, I always do my job with passion”.

Vincenzo Italiano also spoke in the press room after the victory: “This is an important victory that we were waiting for, which gives us strength and awareness. We came close in the previous matches, in Monza we succeeded thanks also to the great goal by Castro. A deserved victory, which comes through the work of the week and also the result of the performance in Como where we no longer repeated certain errors. The players celebrated with great euphoria, I’m happy because it’s important for us. Are we leaving the difficult period behind us? We are growing as a group and as individuals, plus I saw great quality. I’m very satisfied”.