Latina, Padalino satisfied: “Great performance. These are three very important points”

The Latina coach Pasquale Padalino spoke to the press after the victory in Avellino: “I have to say it was an excellent performance, we were not very precise, especially in numerical superiority – he reports – but we knew what environment we would arrive in, what we would find. In the first half Avellino deserved better luck, but this is football, it must not give up. I am satisfied with my boys, in an environment like this, with a crowd from other categories.

These are three very important points, they had to try to close the game, but I congratulate them for the sagacity and sacrifice shown against a great team. We are not yet perfect in the various readings, or when to go to man, Latina had not won since March, so it was a victory that was needed at all costs. I reiterate my compliments to the team.

Avellino? Obviously at the starting line something different was expected, because there is no doubt that Avellino must compete for other goals. I won’t go into it, but I think that we also need to have perseverance. Then I don’t know the dynamics and from the outside I have perceptions, also based on what I read and hear. We are only at the fifth day, many championships have been resolved in the second half of the season and Avellino has all the time to be able to recover”.