Conte’s report cards – He jams the mechanisms with McTominay, he doesn’t risk it behind

Important draw for Antonio Conte’s Napoli at Juventus’ home. More than sufficient performance for the coach of the Neapolitans, capable of bridling the game of the Bianconeri: “He jams Motta’s gears with McTominay between midfield and attack. The Scotsman undermines Juve’s self-confidence. He doesn’t make an impact with the substitutions”, we read in today’s edition of The Sports Gazette. Of the same opinion TMW: “He changed the formation in the most difficult match of this start of the season, he mirrored himself and the choice proved useful in containing Juventus. Of course, in the offensive half of the pitch his Napoli could have done more, but at the back he never took risks. He showed personality and organization even in a complicated pitch and therefore he can only be promoted”.

More than sufficient performance even for Allsports: “He relies on a 4-man defence and focuses everything on McTominay as an attacking midfielder behind Lukaku: the Stadium greets him with affection, he reciprocates and takes home a precious point after having curbed Motta”. And AllNaples reiterates: “He surprises everyone, including Motta, with the change of formation that doesn’t give Juve any references. In the second half Juve grows, but his Napoli knows how to fight”.

Antonio Conte’s report cards
TMW: 6
The Sports Gazette: 6.5
The Courier of Sport: 6.5
Allsport: 6.5
The Republic: 6.5
The Corriere della Sera: 6
AllNaples: 7