Parma takes it back in injury time: Lecce caught up from 2-0 to 2-2. Highlights


Parma catches up in the final minutes. Fabio Pecchia’s team reaches Lecce at the Via del Mare in injury time. Salentini ahead 2-0 with goals from Dorgu and Krstovic but between the 93rd and 95th minute the Gialloblù scored with Almqvist and Hainaut.

Gotti’s analysis
There is disappointment in the words of Luca Gotti: “There were reversals of front and opportunities on both sides. We cannot speak of youthful sins, Guilbert gets sent off but he is not a boy, the same goes for Ramadani and his exit. Krstovic arrived exhausted in the end and was unable to take advantage of the opportunities. In the first half we did things worthy of Lecce, then at the start of the second we were left with ten men and another film began, which saw us trying to manage the match with ten men against eleven. It had to be a game of management to close the match at the end. We had the opportunity to do so”.

Pecchia’s words
This is Fabio Pecchia’s comment in the press room: “Those who watched it from the outside in a disinterested way, I think, had fun. The team played a great game, it was a good match, my players played even when they were down by a goal. At some moments we weren’t very precise. But then the good part was the second half. We never fell apart”.

Below is the video highlights of the match.