Lecce-Parma 2-2, the ratings: Guilbert’s madness, Cancellieri imitates him. Pecchia thanks the bench


Falcon 7 – Parma often shoots towards his goal but he always responds, giving security to the whole team. In the final he excels first on Anas and then on Bonny.

Guilbert 4.5 – He limits himself to containing the opponents’ attacks on his side and succeeds with a fair result. At the beginning of the second half, however, he makes a big mistake by hitting Cancellieri with the ball far away, which costs him the expulsion.

Gaspard 6 – He is one of the surprises of this start of the season for Lecce. The Angolan defender stamps himself on Bonny and limits his every movement. In the final, however, he gives too much space to the opponents.

Baschirotto 6.5 – Clean game from the Giallorossi captain who cleans up everything that passes by his side.

Rooster 6.5 – At the beginning of the match he struggles to hold Man’s attacks but as the minutes pass he takes the measure. He constantly pushes in the offensive phase creating more than a few problems for the opponents.

Ramadan 6.5 – He controls the pace of the Giallorossi. He also has the merit of paving the way for Dorgu’s goal with a brilliant through ball. From 75′ Rafia sv.

L. Coulibaly 6 – He chases all the opponents that gravitate in his area making it difficult for the opponent to dribble. From 64′ Peter 6 – He gives orders to the midfield and launches Krstovic into open play to close out the game.

Dorgu 7 – With a cut he splits the Parma defense in half and scores the goal that puts the Salentini ahead. It is decided in a positive way, causing Cancellieri’s expulsion, but in the final stages he loses the marking of Hainaut who scores the equalizer.

Dying Head 6 – He moves well on the left wing and participates persistently in the offensive actions of the Giallorossi. From 75′ Pierotti sv.

Rebic 6 – Shows all his experience. He moves well in the final quarter of the pitch and is also good at dropping back to facilitate the development of his team’s play. From 64′ Band 6 – Two good accelerations and a shot that ended just wide.

Krstović 6.5 – He moves a lot on the offensive front, often escaping the defenders’ marking. In the second half, with a free kick he bends Suzuki’s hands and scores the second goal. In the final, however, he wastes two counterattacks and gives new strength to the hopes of the crusaders.

LUCA GOTTI 6 – His Lecce was savoring the three points until the 93rd minute. In injury time, however, his team wasted two counterattacks and were mocked by two goals. A wasted opportunity for the Giallorossi who missed the appointment with the second victory of the season.


Of the Meadow 5.5 – He struggles to contain Lecce’s attacks from that side and ends up being overwhelmed by Gallo’s gallop.

Balogh 5.5 – He is unable to contain Krstovic’s physicality and loses most of the duels with the Giallorossi striker.

Osario 5.5 – Like his teammate, he comes out defeated from the challenge with the opposing attackers. From 65′ Hainaut 7 – He enters the field well, causing problems for Lecce’s left wing. At the last second he scores the equaliser, which is considered a victory given how the match was going.

W.Coulibaly 5 – On the occasion of the opponent’s goal, he remained too open and did not read Dorgu’s run, allowing the winger to fly towards the goal.

Bernabe 5.5 – A shady evening for Pecchia’s director. He fails in his usual task of starting Parma’s actions.

Hernani 5.5 – He returns to the starting lineup after almost 5 months since the last time and suffers the ferocity of the opposing midfield. From 67′ Anas 6.5- First he missed an open goal and then, towards the end, he sent in the cross that gave Pecchia’s men the equaliser.

Man 6 – He is the light of Parma. All the dangerous actions come from his feet. He wins the duel with Gallo who struggles to contain him. All that is missing is the final touch.

Sohm 5.5 – He struggles to find the right geometry. Before half-time he has to throw in the towel due to a muscle problem. From 37′ Chancellors 5 – He enters the field and causes problems for the opponents. At the beginning of the second half he causes Guilbert to be sent off, a few minutes later he is the one to get sent off for a last man foul.

Michael 6 – With his bursts he tries to scare the Lecce defense. He knocks twice on the opponent’s goal but Falcone denies him the goal. From 65 Almqvist 7 – With Hainaut on that side he scares Lecce and scores the classic goal of the ex that gives hope to Parma.

Bonnie 5.5 – He is often left alone to fight against the two opposing giants. Apart from one conclusion with his back to the goal, he does little.

FABIO PECCHIA 6 – His Parma leaves the Via del Mare with a draw that tastes like a victory. A difficult match for 90 minutes but recovered thanks to the substitutions.