Pisa-Brescia 2-1, the report cards: Piccinini MVP, Tramoni scores again. Bad Bertagnoli

Final result: Pisa-Brescia 2-1

Always 6 – Little called into action by the Brescia attackers, he could do nothing about Moncini’s close-range header for the temporary equaliser.

Canestrelli 6 – Good first half, while in the second half there were a few more threats which were however kept under control by the expert defender.

Caracciolo 6 – He too, like Canestrelli, is called upon to make a greater effort in the second half of the match.

G. Bonfanti 5.5 – Ups and downs in the defensive phase for the young player owned by Atalanta, who suffered more in the second half in correspondence with the rather evident growth of Brescia. From 76′ Calabresi sv

Little ones 8 – Without a doubt the MVP of this big Serie B match. He opened the scoring after just two minutes by taking advantage of a nice cross from Moreo, then also had a hand in Tramoni’s doubling of the score at the end.

Marine 7 – Great match from the Pisa midfielder, always in the thick of the action for Inzaghi’s team.

Picture gallery 6 – In control in the first half, he is replaced much earlier than expected only because of the warning received in the 33rd minute: Inzaghi, as expected, does not want to take any risks. From 46′ Hojholt 6 – He played a good part of the match, even though he wasn’t able to particularly stand out.

Beruatto 6.5 – Good both in the first half and at the start of the second half, he leaves the field a handful of seconds after having worried Lezzerini with a left-footed cross-shot from a tight angle. From 62′ Corners 6 – He comes in with the right attitude. He makes his contribution in the final half hour.

Moreo 7 – A solid performance and further evidence of great attachment to the jersey for the Nerazzurri number 32, who provided the assist for Piccini’s 1-0 and many other important plays for the Tuscan team. From 69′ Mlakar 6 – He contributes to giving freshness to Pisa’s forward department. The VAR judges his position to be irrelevant on Tramoni’s 2-1, amid protests from the guests.

Sunsets 7.5 – The weeks go by, the opponents change but one thing is certain: Tramoni’s goal. Third consecutive goal for the 2000 class player, who with a left-footed stroke in the 78th minute gives Pisa another prestigious victory: the top spot is safe.

N. Bonfanti 6 – Quite lively in the first half, on the other side he finds a very attentive Lezzerini who is always able to close the goal for him. From 62′ Lind 6.5 – Decisive in Tramoni’s doubling since it was from one of his plays that the action for the goal started, he had an excellent impact on the match.

Philip Inzaghi 7 – It’s a great Pisa, especially in the first half, the one admired at the “Cetilar Arena”. Inzaghi prepares the match very well, he is rewarded by the positioning of Piccinini on the right lane and subsequently also by the substitutions that allowed his team to maintain a very good level for most of the ninety minutes.

Lezzerini 7 – Saves after ten seconds on Nicholas Bonfanti, at 41′ on Moreo and at the hour mark on Beruatto. Not at fault in the two goals of Pisa, with his saves he keeps Brescia in the game until the end.

Jallow 5.5 – Not flawless on Piccinini in the action of the initial Nerazzurri advantage, he does not let himself be discouraged by this inaccuracy and then manages to create a generous match.

Ornaments 5.5 – He fails to close the space for the cross to Moreo and Inzaghi’s team takes the lead after two minutes. He too, like Jallow, is good at keeping his head up despite the initial slump.

Little Popes 6 – In the second half he redeems himself in a big way after a first half played in the shadows and characterized by a few too many mistakes. From 89′ Fogliata sv

Dickman 6.5 – Back among the starters after the initial bench against Frosinone, he is one of the most consistent performers among the Rondinelle. He pushes in his lane whenever an opportunity presents itself.

Bisoli 5.5 – Certainly not the best game since he has been in Brescia. He is not in great condition and it shows, but despite this he fights tirelessly for every ball.

Verreth 7 – He took command of the Brescia midfield in the second half, even providing the assist (from a free kick) for Moncini’s temporary equaliser.

Besaggio 6 – Moved as needed also to a more advanced position, as an attacking midfielder, initially he seems to struggle a bit to get into the game, but comes out in the distance thanks to a lot of effort and a lot of running even when not in possession. From 85′ Bjarnason sv

Conrad 5 – The main culprit of the defensive “hole” on the goal scored at the start of the match by Piccinini: unlike other teammates, he is unable to reset and restart. From 85′ Nuamah sv

Bertagnoli 4.5 – The balls he touched in the first half can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Deployed as Moncini’s “sidekick”, he completely fails and is replaced already at half-time. From 46′ Borrelli 6.5 – He takes Brescia by the hand. He plays a second half of absolute depth, even coming close to scoring twice.

Monks 7 – Little served in the opening half, he starts off like a rocket in the second half, scoring the equaliser after just three minutes with a super header from a free kick by Verreth. He thus puts “his” Brescia back on track. From 68′ Whites 6 – He has neither the way nor the time to have his say in the finale.

Rolando Maran 6 – A Brescia in great emergency fights at the “Cetilar Arena” for ninety minutes against a very good Pisa. Despite the defeat, there are many positive signs from which to start again in view of the next commitments.