Catanzaro, Iemmello awarded with a special shirt for 100 years in yellow and red

“Special shirt for our Captain, who against Cittadella reached 100 appearances with the colors of US Catanzaro”. The Calabrian club celebrates on social media Peter Iemmello who has reached the prestigious triple figure of matches played with the shirt of his city’s club.

The ’92 class has thus caught up with Francesco Procopio, Flavio Pozzani, Guglielmo Mecozzi and Stelio Nardin in the all-time ranking of the Calabrian club. If the first places in this ranking are very far away: in third place is Paolo Braca with 274 appearances, while the top ten is closed by Stefano Raise with 189, the story is different in the list of all-time scorers where Iemmello with 57 goals and behind only the legend Massimo Palanca who boasts 117 in total.