Parma, Pecchia: “Only Suzuki returns. Hernani has an extra week of work”

Fabio PecchiaParma coach, speaking at a press conference on the eve of the match against Lecce, took stock of the players available for the match at the Via del Mare:

Start of the season with many injuries and suspensions, who do you have back?
“This has created a few more obstacles for us in addition to those of the opponents on the pitch. We have to respond as a group, between suspensions and injuries the number of players has been reduced but we have to have the energy to face tomorrow’s match. There is certainly Suzuki, there is a Hernani who has worked during the week and has improved his condition, then the rest of the group is the same as last week”.

Will it be an opportunity to try again the attacking module seen on Monday or could we see three midfielders with Hernani?
“Both hypotheses are valid, on Monday we faced a structured team like Udinese with quality offensive players and we managed to maintain balance. It’s not a question of men but of interpretation and on Monday in the first half it was very positive. Hernani is an important player also from a psychological point of view, he is a reference and also allows us tactically to be able to rotate, to have an offensive player and to have structure in the offensive phase. It was important for us to recover him”.

Click here to read the full press conference of Parma coach Fabio Pecchia