Serie B, Catanzaro-Cremonese: hunting for a turning point. 4 months ago it was worth the playoffs

Only 4 months ago Catanzaro and Cremonese faced each other in the playoff semifinal of Serie B: 2-2 at Ceravolo, 4-1 grigiorosso the result in the return match. Both teams meet again this evening (kick-off at 20:30) after an up-and-down start and are looking for certainties to be able to direct their season and live another year that can make people dream. Currently the standings see Caserta’s team stuck at 6 points, Stroppa’s one point above. The latter can then count on the two great exes of the day: Fulignati and Vandeputte return to what was their home until a few weeks ago.

How Catanzaro arrives.
In addition to Pontisso, Volpe is still out for Catanzaro. In midfield Coulibaly could give Pompetti a rest. The start of the Eagles has been, as has been said, with few highs and several lows, even if Catanzaro is still undefeated at home. In the last outing, a 0-0 draw was achieved in Cittadella. Only one joy: the 3-1 win over Carrarese in the previous outing, right at home. Fabio Caserta knows that the challenge is a tough one, considering how much the Grigiorossi have strengthened on the market. On the eve of the challenge he said: “We don’t start out defeated against anyone and every Serie B match must be played on the pitch. We are aware of our strength and we will play it openly”.

How Cremonese arrives.
Cremonese has 7 players out: in addition to the suspended Lochosvhili, Buonaiuto, Ceccherini and Ravanelli are out with muscle problems, Bonazzoli with a physical problem while Nasti and Majer are out with the flu. Stroppa does not trust the Caserta team, despite the many changes compared to a few months ago: “It is never easy to play in Catanzaro regardless of whether one coach or another sits on the bench”. If the 4-1 defeat at home before the break against Sassuolo exalted the fans, the 1-1 draw with Spezia at home brought them back down to earth.